
Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2020

Spring Data 2# - support for Couchbase

In this article we will have a look at how NoSQL Couchbase database is supported in Spring, especialy in Spring Data module. Couchbase is a document oriented NoSQL database which has gained a lot of popularity in the last few years. The main reason for that may be its specialization in a low latency data management for large scale web applications. Couchbase introduction Couchbase is a NoSQL document database which is a subset of a key-value stores. It is designed to store and retrieve data in JSON format. Each separate JSON item stored in the database is called a document. Couchbase does not force any specific schema on the data that is stored. It is often said that in NoSQL databases any schema specific constraints are moved from the database layer to the application layer . It often provides a better ways to develop a software with dynamic data structure changes since changes in the documents structure do not break any database constraints or schema. In this case you can update